In a world where businesses are constantly competing for attention, it can be difficult to make your brand stand out from the crowd. But what if you were able to even the odds with a little swag? Here are five great freebies that will please guests, colleagues and potential investors at your next conference or expo.
1. Mints
Who doesn't love a mint? These little candies will go quickly after working dinners or any other event that offers food. No one wants to close a deal with bad breath!
2. Flash Drives
Everyone could use a little extra storage space, and when you offer flash drives to new associates, you're letting them know that you understand the demands of the modern office.
Lighten things up by offering stress balls to particularly anxious visitors. You can shop for them in all colors, shapes and sizes, making them an excellent and endlessly customizable gift.
4. Portable Chargers
Between smartphones, tablets, laptops, earpieces and other forms of 21st century tech, it's a safe bet that the workaholics at your conference will appreciate the utility of a portable charger.
5. Card Cases
Swapping business cards is a time-honored event in professional settings, and a card case will help people stay organized and efficient among those they're trying to impress.
These are just five ways to generate goodwill at your next business event. If you're ready to get your brand off the ground and into the world, stamp your name on these freebies and start circulating!